How do I find the TASF SPDR/Invoice for a specific month or by a retrieval number?

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TitleHow do I find the TASF SPDR/Invoice for a specific month or by a retrieval number?
URL NameHow-do-I-find-the-TASF-SPDR-Invoice-for-a-specific-month-or-by-a-retrieval-number
CS Portal link
You can find the TASF SPDR/Invoice on BSPlink thought the Portal.
  • First, go to BSPlink.
  • Go to the ADM/ACM Menu
  • Select ADM & ACM Query
  • Select ADM (ADMs per reporting period or ADM/ACM by number)
Once you choose the periods of the month you would like to see or input the retrieval number, click ‘submit’ and the SPDR will appear.

By clicking on the document number, you’ll have full access to the details and the invoice.
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